Wicket's Still Got It!

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wicket's Still Got It! 0 0 0 2.0

ZilloBeast 18

I just love those Ewoks so much! I thought Saw's RPS-6 Rocket Launcher could be a fun addition, if you do manage to trigger Sound the Horn. If you're not so keen on including it, I would swap Saw's RPS-6 Rocket Launcher for either another Mandalorian Vambraces or a Change of Plans to trigger Chief Chirpa's Hut. Comments are appreciated!


NerdyBoiThrawn 50

Why Pyke Syndicate Mine - Kessel? I get that you have diceless characters, but you are not milling an opponent. Plus, they could mill you.

Renwa82 1

The burning of cards can be disruptive to opponent’s play which has value and it’s unlikely that opponent will have diceless characters. Most decks don’t bother with them.