Hand Sanitiser

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Hand Sanitiser 1 0 1 1.0
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33rd 2

Mill without blue cards? It's more common than you think.

I'm bad at this game, but how I play is to burn as much as possible as fast as possible. You can play fast rounds with Deploy Roll In The Mud or, if you like their battlefield, play second and slowly with K-3PO and cards like Flank.

Small Battles Won Greed Lavish Cape The Axe Forgets are all about value, opening a round with Republic Senator PA on any milling event puts a timer in the opponent's mind (hopefully). SBW actually becomes a playable card on this PA, don't waste an action playing it otherwise since its too slow.

The skill is knowing which matches you must play for tempo and which matches you can afford to play for value out of the events. If you Deploy into damage early on you can also play to kill 1 character. The ideal endgame in my mind is a lone operative manifesto Cassian, with our Riot Shield and First Aid eke-ing out the last few cards of their deck.

If you see a support deck, or a ticking deck, you are already in trouble. If it's a 2 wide one of those then you're in a lot of trouble. Hard mull for Sabotage , maybe even sideboard in New Orders incase you lose the field because if they can play 3+ big supports it's GG.

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