Bird! Cycle! Raid! Repeat!

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Kolakoala44 67

Ever wanted to completely break Whistling Birds? This is how!

It’s simple: play WB, and resolve it in combination with Zeb Orrelios - Honorable Warrior and Supply Team to make the dice massive and watch as you spread huge damage across the opponent’s board.

For consistency Karis Nemik - Freedom Fighter gives us the ability every round and Beskar Hammer gives access to more effects.

In reward, you get to spread damage to the opponent’s Aldhani Outpost allowing us to reap the 4 reward for playing the combo. We also have access to plenty of draw tools so it’s never short of mitigation or damage.


Patrick 13

Since you have red, why not Overkill as an upgrade? All ranged modifiers.

Kolakoala44 67

It’s a super cool (and resonably effective) card to run but Supply Team is just more consistent as it is less of an investment. If you want to run it just cut Beskar Hammer or Standard Issue Blaster