Trooper Alliances - SÃO PAULO PRIME CHAMPIONSHIP (2-2)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Guintage 71


R1 - vs eBoba/eFennec/NO - L (Kinder)

R2 - vs eVader/Zannah/PtM - W (George)

R3 - vs eBen Solo/eReyA - L (Andre Villa)

R4 - vs ePalpatine/Lorth Needa/CI - W (Karpov)

Well, the idea here is to guarantee a lot of health (31HP) while you build the necessary supports and upgrades to generate volume. The plot is free and you can still do 2 more damage (since they will usually hit Pre Vizsla - Death Watch Commander first). It mixes trooper synergy with removal of our own dices, as well as ensuring a removal every turn with the Death Watch Mandalorian Guardian. Securing a Tusken Camp in the first turn puts you way ahead in the game.

Changes: I must exchange a 501st Assault Team for a Hostage Situation to have one more dice removal (yours and your opponent's).

Comments and improvements are welcome :D

1 comment

Boulzer 1

I like it!