
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

NerdyBoiThrawn 50

Add elite Black Krrsantan - Ferocious Gladiator to your team and go nuts! Heal like crazy and play defense all game. Your damage mostly comes from your dice. Use truce and dice sides to get resources to play events and upgrades that heal. Use Black Krrsantan - Ferocious Gladiator's power action as your first move in the turn if you think you won't kill a character during the round. If you land the 2 resource side, boom. That's a free upgrade. There are probably cards in the new set that will fit well into this deck. I only decided to make it now because some of the Seeking Answers cards were put onto the site. But until then, this is what I got :) You only live once!!!


NerdyBoiThrawn 50

Thoughts? XD

Kolakoala44 67

So you sacrifice Wullffwarro and activate both other Wookiee’s abilities?

NerdyBoiThrawn 50

If that is how you want to distribute the damage, sure! Always put at least 6 on Kashyyyk Warrior.