The Real Gideon (echobase 4-0)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Rando Mando 89

Been messing around with this for a while decided last minute to take it to echobase. Did better then expected.

It's essentially a 5 die, 3 wide, plot burn deck. You can use High Valley on Incinerator Trooper and then use Gideon Hask to roll it out again. Lots of sneaky ways to deal damage. The first deck where I use any side I get except a blank (and maybe the disrupt if my opponent has no money)

Game 1 W - Slayedthedragon : eIG-88/eGrievous

  • This game was my best. With his small health pool (23) and grievous dealing himself damage my relenting offensive went well.

Game 2 W - Hipo : eDWM/eDWM/FN-2199

  • This game featured my best round 1 getting both Cruel Methods round 1 defiantly helped this game. (plus Hipo was quite unlucky with his FN power actions)

Game 3 W - Erik : eBo-Katan/eCassian(WotF)/Extremist Campaign

  • I knew I had to do something about Bo-Katan big sides and the power action were going to be nasty so what does that mean: Round 1 Inhibitor Chip. Sadly though I don't really remember what happened other then the fact I was happy Cassian(WotF) got played in ARH.

Game 4 W - SamC137 : eChewbacca/eSinjir

  • This game was probably the most intense. Round 1 was pretty good for him (not as crazy as it could have been) but he got off a First Aid for 4 played some supports. I always had the battlefield which took some tech away from him and was able to clutch the game. (Don't sleep on the deck SamC137 was playing VERY good deck).

All of the games were close.

The deck has 6 ways to take the battlefield (with my favorites being Offensive Position and Seizing Territory

The only cards I didn't use through all 4 games were Hostile Territory and Pyre's Blaster you could probably toss Hostile Territory for something else (more mitigation or a money card) but I like the option of Pyre's blaster so that's staying even though I didn't use it.

Also curious to know who you would target first.

1 comment

LandoWonka 153

I'd probably hit the Incinerator Trooper first as that's two extra damage when you do.