Not My Real Dad v2 (ARH top cut)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Beaconfire 22

So Norman and I have been talking back and forth about this deck for about two weeks. We cut a lot, added some back in and came up with a very similar list, but with a few differences. This was more of my preference for the list at the moment, but I am still up in the air and might make more changes after the top cut. I really enjoy rescuing han a lot, and this deck does 3 things so well, that usually you don't find in typical rescue Han deck.

  1. It draws like crazy. Between Capes, Force Affinity, and BB-8, you can get to your cards pretty quick. Small shout out for Lightsaber pull, since it can tutor your 1,2,3 if needed.

  2. It ramps a lot, without a lot from the dice. If you can get down a DoA (remember Obi is a Bounty Hunter), detect an event with Obi, and even claim the BF early. That is potentially a lot of resources you will be flush with to help rescue our friend.

  3. It can dish out a lot of damage on the way to rescuing Han. Unlike most decks I have played to rescue Han, I usually want resource sides....well Obi-wan decided he didn't like that side on his dice. So yeah, you can hit for 2 or 3 damage with each of his dice, or if they mitigated, then hopefully you can roll some resources on your other dice to get the ramp going.

Also a side note, is this plays like a blue hero deck, in that you will get shields. Capes and the sabers help protect your heroes from an early death.

Anyways, this has been a lot of fun playing and I hope you enjoy it too.

Now I have to just go see if I can be competitive with it....wish me luck.


Norman 34

I like this deck.

Epoch 15

this deck is so balanced, love it.