eThrawn / eMaul

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Old_Ben_Kenobi 14

Thrawn's a beast. Lots of fun with titles and control in this deck, and Thrawn's PA makes flipping Maul turn 2 relatively easy with all the 0 cost events. Any feedback is appreciated I've toyed with these cards a bunch this week, and landed on these just now. Have fun playing this!


Old_Ben_Kenobi 14

Thoughts would be appreciated!

JrakPiN 1

Hi! I built this myself a couple weeks back actually - a lot of fun to run! Only recommendation would be 'I am no Jedi'. Great on Thrawn as he has such a good dice.

Old_Ben_Kenobi 14

Yes I am no Jedi is a solid include thanks for that @JrakPiN. Cyber Center a positive change too and only 1 Grand Moff (much better with the Carbon-freezing chamber but can backfire). Fun to play if you do enough reps with it to think through actions well