I Know a Few Maneuvers: Veering to the Side

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
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PadawanGilligan 8

Always take Veers' Snowtrooper, their added 8 (or 9 if you win the battlefield) health is what wins the game by keeping you alive more often than not.

Mulligan for 501st Assault Team and either Merchant Freighter, Greed, or Kinship so you can pay for 501st. The whole point of this deck is to ping pong the battlefield back and forth to charge up Relentless Advance, pinging damage with Westar-35 Blaster Pistol and Cruel Methods as you go. It takes a turn or two to get going but between Veers' Power Action and 501st it doesn't take long to charge up Relentless Advance to do a devastating blow.

Hostile Territory and Shortcut are a bit too situational if you want to swap them out. Hostile Territory can be amazing if you can time your battlefield ping ponging right, but I'd only go for it if 501st is already out.

Also be sure not to forget about Mando's ability when you play Greed as I've been known to do.

1 comment

Darth_Cluny 86

Super cool deck!