Always Bet on Dengar

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

casero77 18

Design challenge this month: Ramp with Dengar.

5 die start includes two Bib dice that we want to remove for card draw & resources (Underworld, Jango's, Hound's Tooth, Greed) and if we're lucky... a Black Stall ping.

Add Bryar Pistols to make those pay sides cheap. Salacious and Dead or Alive for some extra dough.

Sprinkle in some cheap removal with scoundrel and Twi'lek synergy.

Dump in a few more "remove a die to do stuff" synergy with Gauntlet Fighter & Hostage Situation and a few favorite yellow supports.

Top it all off with some damage from hand to honor Echo3 (RIP Fight Dirty) and we're good to go...

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