ARH Ackbar

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Humulone 7

What are your thoughts on changing your plot to 'Far Far Away'? between the x-wings and other vehicles, you could turn around Ezra pretty quick. Thinking about it for my Ackbar deck

Kolakoala44 68

If Admiral Ackbar - Brilliant Tactician was 27 points elite I would definitely include it. However I don’t think that making Ackbar 1 dice (and losing the starting x-wing) is a worthy cost for an Ezra Bridger - Freedom Fighter is at elite (with a Jawa) as you loose out on too much initial value and are even weaker to most decks.

There definitely is potential for a deck which utilises Ackbar and FFA but it’s not my personal style for building the plot.