Diplomatic Victory

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

33rd 2

Pretty simple deck, get at least 2 maybe 3 diplomatic immunities, 2 gozanti cruisers. Grogu opens blue, allowing Yoda's Teachings and the good blue mill events, and we also get to play force sense on turn 1 which is very hype for you and very depressing for your opponent.

Mulligan hard for Yoda's Teachings, blue milk, Local Patrol (ideally), and Sabotage if the deck looks to be playing tie fighter squadron + the op mod. If that combo gets played before you have your sabotage GG.

Otherwise watch your opponent despair as you hit them with either a headstrong or fresh start every action phase, while your padme becomes essentially unkillable with nemik's manifesto, diplo, renowned, lone operative. If you hit your second diplo early you may as well give it to Nemik.

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