Roast Pork Chops -3xGamFight

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Patrick 13

This is a true fight. Expect to go toe to toe and use your 30 total health and potential shields as a resource all it’s own. It will be knock down and drag out as you go back and forth. Don’t get scared taking a punch.

Use the Gamorrean Fighter power action predominantly as a mitigation tool to force a reroll of your opponent’s dice. It’s somewhat of a win-win because it means either damage to your opponent and they are left with a new small damage side, or a resource for you, which is not side option on the character die anyway. That removed die also simultaneously triggers both Black Stall Station and Desolate Deed, for more efficient game action turning a negative into a positive.

Same for the Raider dice removal action to gain a resource with Tusken Campcamp depending on the quality of the rolls in the respective pools.

Weaken your opponent by various means by discarding their key support, steal their upgrades with Magna-Glove, and disrupt resources to keep them poor. Use Trash to Treasure to snag something big for free from your opponent based on your 3-wide mono color combo discount.

Incendiary Stockpile uses these punishing high percentage non-damage side dice (like Path Engine and Gozanti Cruiser) to create knock out damage. Use Think on Your Feetand Improvised Explosive as a partnered pair to speed up the time delayed damage, while also hurting your opponent by mitigating their die.

Rope-a-dope and exhaust one of your 1 die characters for a Rally The Covert 4 die explosion with an expected damage value of 2.5 on the cheap by exhausting your Underworld plot.

Otherwise it’s game of attrition using jabs and repeated body blows from Gaderffii, Chemical Strike, and Everybody Profits.

There is one other decklist with this combination, but I think this version is more balanced and not so reliant on uncoordinated die removal actions. The Comm Tower - Scarif battlefield is also more flexible considering both have a plot and also plays to your strategy.

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