Lando and Han together again.

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Hondo_Ohnaka 1

how come you didnt go with extremist campaign?

LandoWonka 153

@Hondo_Ohnaka For me extremist campaign has too many dead cards for the deck I was going for. I wanted direct damage to burst a character down. I know Lando has an indirect side but it made Act of Cruelty seem a little redundant. It’s a similar reason for rebel which is a great card but with very few discard sides it didn’t seem worth it. Extremist Campaign is a decent option but would be a much different build. It just boils down to me not being a big fan of Extremist Campaign

Darliane 30

Great deck! Very thematic ❤️ I watched your game on Twitch. Han/Lando, they have a lot of synergy... congratz