Spicy Maul Cikatro (ARH Weekly, 5th Overall)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Norman 34

I love Cikatro Vizago, wildly interesting card that makes for a bunch of interesting choices and play patterns. Maul balanced to 12 points elite means we can then play a 2-point plot, and therefore we have an interesting option around Leverage to gain card advantage and accelerate our flip condition of playing more events.

Weird enough for you? Well it gets a little stranger still. Since we want to draw, let's play Black Market Connection to get to an Ataru, Force Sense, or... Bryar Pistol? Sure, why not! We've got all sorts of pay-sides on Baby Maul and Vizago, and the card is pretty good on its own, so let's run it along with Broken Horn (interesting with Vizago, of course), and a Hound's Tooth, and Tusken Camp. Truth be told, in part because of Bryar I had very little trouble with resources... just trouble with rolls. Bad rolls happen of course, but I'd say we might need to consider some supports with more focus to get where we want to go. Tydirium might be advisable, as would things like Imperial Checkpoint. Your call if you want to play it...

Events-wise, I wanted to use some other spicy stuff, Dejarik chief among them. I anticipated getting into enough scenarios where you roll out CV first, resolve a die, then leave 1 die in the field for a bit, seemed like it made sense to use Dejarik as a tempo resolve your own die for +1 or get some free removal. It was okay. Might be better as something else. Dangerous Maneuver is an easy protection for Maul. Through Power Gain Strength is super cool, as is Vile Machinations as a 1-cost affecting 2 dice.

Went 2-2 on the night, probably should have been 3-1, but all good. It was a fun experiment!

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