AON Experiments - Yoda Aayla (ARH Tuesday Night 3-1, 1.16.24

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Norman 34

NOTE: This is actually an ARH Standard legal deck in January 2024 since Allies of Necessity is legal for tournament and league play. I have to publish it as an Infinite format deck, though, because the DB doesn't recognize the list as ARH Standard legal at this time of publishing.

This deck was an experiment in various ideas to mess with Yoda and a character that could potentially shore up the weakness of AON, namely Aayla Secura from Legacies. Aayla's special to soft-mitigate plus turn to a Yoda special is a boon, and also helps to enable some excellent Force Mirage plays. If you can somehow manage to pull off Force Mirage twice in a turn (as I did in one game) you're in a pretty nice position.

Ideal is to get battlefield, roll it out, roll Aayla out, play a Force Mirage on a 2 shield side and start going to town.

Pretty much hard mull for resource cards. Blue Milk is such a big thing to see in an opener, as is Grow Beyond. The only way you keep an upgrade/JTG is if you have a resource card. Otherwise, mull everything.

Experimental choices...

  • Upgrade/Support set -- Overall this is mostly my Spoons list of stuff, but I decided to go with Luke's Teachings rather than Yoda's Teachings because I felt drawing would be valuable. Given my games, though, I'd actually rather move toward a 2x Yoda's Teachings, and probably drop the Consulars for that and leave Luke's Teachings in. Battle Med is clutch.
  • Greed Can Be a Powerful Ally -- This was not a great choice. The cost to reset being 4 resources after losing your 2 in the beginning really was a bad idea. Those four resources are better spent getting Yoda geared up. I'd take this out probably for another 2 cost upgrade, probably a second Luke's Teachings.
  • Anticipation -- seemed like it would be good but Contentious is the better play, run Contentious as 2x.
  • In Harmony -- amazingly, I never played it. Probably should be Nullify instead
  • Outwit -- When you have a BIG-Little deck, Outwit is just too good not to include as tech protection.
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