UK Grand Champs - Gar Saxon and Dr Aphra - Semi Finalist

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
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LandoWonka 153

Piloted by me and going 6-0 in the Swiss

1-0 Boba Fett and Q'ira

2-0 Captain Phasma, Soontir Fel and Armored Reinforcement

3-0 Maul (DoP) and Q'ira

4-0 Thrawn, Tarkin and Crucial Intel

5-0 Moff Gideon, Snoke and Fortified Position

6-0 Boba Fett and Soontir Fel

1-2 in the Semi Final to Captain Phasma, Soontir Fel and Armored Reinforcement

When I first saw the set I pinpointed Gar Saxon as a great character that would do well but he really hasn't seen much play and it was Oli (echo3ofClubs) that urged me to try it out and take it to the Grand Championships. I hadn't used the Spot Gloss Aphra I'd had and this deck was born.

My set aside droids were 4 x 8D8s, 2 x NED-B, 2 x BB8, 2 x R5-D4 and I always chose all of the 8D8s, a BB8 and a R5-D4.

6-0 could quite easily have been 4-2. It did it's job well on the day and a little luck here and there pushed it through to top the Swiss.

It's strength is it's survivability and defence which thanks to Gar becomes offense

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