Vos - AtG Standard

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

FragrantOlives 2

Dryden Vos for the AtG Standard format. Considered First Claim over Cunning and Shadowcaster over either a Hailfire, LR1K, or Slave 1. Am I missing anything?


jrcovin 2

I have tried to make decks with Vos but unsuccessfully. This looks promising. I will have to test it out.

FragrantOlives 2

@jrcovin I'm a dedicated Vos player - so I can say with certainty that there are better builds for him if you use stuff from Convergence block - Riot Shield, Megablaster Troopers, Hard Bargain, Admiral, Starviper, Superlaser Siege Cannon etc - all would be upgrades over what is included here, but this is what a Vos build should look like.

FragrantOlives 2

After playing some casual games against CM & AtG Standard decks, I've cut Detention Center for 1x Entangle & 1x Art of War