Rex and Cody Endless Mission

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rex and Cody Endless Mission 0 0 0 2.0

ZilloBeast 18

I just love the clones as star wars destiny cards and was a big fan of Rex - Clone Captain and was super happy about the new clone cards so I wanted to use them. I just tried to build an overall easy to play deck that complemented the characters. It incorporates a lot of 1 cost cards allowing for the most part a steady playing rate of 2-3 cards per round. I think it complements the various whims of both Rex and Cody. Completely open to suggestions so be sure to chime in!


MalaciousMawloc 27

Definitely need a 2nd AT-RT, I’d lose the Medal of Bravery for it as it serves a similar purpose but just does it better. 2 First Aids is a must in any mono Red deck. Looking into a battlefield with a more impactful Power Action is probably a good choice, Tipoca City is cool and thematic but really isn’t doing much for you. Trying to find space for 2 copies of Measure for Measure is a must as you’re lacking any 0 cost removal.

ZilloBeast 18

Thanks for the feedback, I do agree it is lacking in some of that valuable red support from AT-RT. I originally had Perimeter Outpost - Hoth as my battlefield but was afraid that was too dependant on Rex's ability and control of the battlefield is important for this deck. Maybe if I add another AT-RT and/or AT-TE I can be more confident that rex will be able to reclaim the battlefield. I also agree that it is lacking in 0 costs. Again this is just a rough draft so feedback is great!