ARH October 2021 League 1st Place (Jyn-Han Pre-UH)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Norman 34

Posting this deck as a matter of record... I won the ARH October 2021 League top cut using this Jyn-Han upgrade variant, defeating a Jyn-Han mirror (Hipo), Fives-Aphra-Guardian of the Whills (Onelove), and Kylo-Dooku-Rule of Two (Wiwwt).

The format was standard and used the second reprint list (Echoes of Destiny), which eliminated a number of very powerful cards such as Easy Pickings. Thus we were back to a more regular list for the High Stakes meta (no Unlikely Heroes) with a few new pieces, namely the Holdout Blaster for redeploy and Negotiate as an additional removal option. Since Convergence was still legal in the format, I could still use things like Flee the Scene and Instigate. Well done to all participants that month!

Here's the Challonge page for the top cut:

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