Child Sacrifice Darth Windu

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

LandonTomlinson 1

It is essential you dig for Sacred Jedi Texts or Respites in your mulligan. Abuse the Youngling power action and all draw mechanics throughout the deck to cycle as many weapons onto your younglings as possible. Round 1 reroll Darth Windu's die for resources. Deploy funeral pyre's for more value when you start to sacrifice the younglings. Try and activate your sacrificial youngling prior to executing it to get multiple uses out of your weapons.


Sunwukong91 1

why not use Anakin Skywalker - Reckless One and just kill the younglings yourself to become the one true Darth?

LandonTomlinson 1

Great Suggestion, I just acquired the dice to field that card. It'll be a satisfying use of it.