ReyBies - SA Release Top 4 + April ARH League 1st Place

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Norman 34

The deck name, forevermore, is Reybies. Don't listen to The86.

UPDATE 5/26/22: This version of ReyB also won the April ARH League Top Cut, defeating two more Rey decks and a burn deck. But it was also a top cut with 5/8 decks being on ReyB, so you shouldn't assume this is just "the best version". It likely isn't. But inasmuch as this top cut is concerned the Blocks made a huge difference in each mirror. The games against Beacon in particular easily could have gone the other way. And now with the errata to Rey, it's hard to imagine that this version will remain like this for long. I anticipate that Blocks will likely be removed in favor of more versatile cards, and Greed is greatly weakened as well. Anticipation can now be thought of as a pseudo-Field Medic in terms of value.

Post-SA Release description: While this did get top 4 in the release tournament, I must also credit MalaciousMawloc and Beaconfire for their versions as well. We've all posted various iterations of ReyB since release and I imagine we've all taken a few things from each other. But I'm grateful for their concurrent work on the deck as well...

Here's Mawloc's version from Thursday Echobase tournament just after release, you'll note this was prior to the United restriction (and now outright ban):

This is Beaconfire's version from the SA release and the April Top Cut as well:

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