The Nute Format - Jabba Gideon BMC

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Norman 34

FORMAT NOTES: This is for what I affectionately call "The Nute Format" which is ARH Standard (in March 2024) but all characters from Destiny's history are legal. As such, I have to "publish" this on the DB as an Infinite deck.

DECK NOTES: This deck is really just a BMC deck that wants to leverage Convergence Jabba's activation ability to go through your deck faster and get your BMC. Of course, it's really bad when you have a 6 card hand, both BMC's, your mill opponent plays Probe, and hits both BMC's in one shot. (Looking at you Thyagumm.) Despite the horrible matchup into mill if you can't roll worth garbage, this is ridiculous to play.

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