DoP-OneLove's Red Villain Supports

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

majobasil 41

Shoutout to onelove9100 who crushed me with this deck in a bo3 ARH December 2022 league match! I asked him if I could have a copy of the deck.

Onelove said he got the idea from Beaconfire.

This deck is super interesting and strong. It has control, tons of health, strong removal, utility and when those capital ships hit the table, look out! Also, out of cards and need a re-roll in a pinch? Power Action Needa, pull a ship into your hand, discard to re-roll, profit.

I was, unfortunately, playing The Family which boasts primarily indirect damage into this deck and could not sink enough damage into its 29 health. My only chance was to pivot into mill, and though I came close in game 2, ultimately the imperials took the win.

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