Stockholm Syndrome (B+Y) - Bazine/Ziro/Alazmec

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Patrick 13

Play like Patty Hearst and learn to love your enemy (then use their strengths against them be weakening them across several fronts).

Key strategies are to mulligan for at least one Downgrade to punish the activation of your opponent each round. In 3 rounds you will almost cycle through the deck with Ziro The Hutt - Crime Lord as you cycle through all your cards My Downgrade priority order: Extort Cooperation (both onto same character) Tailed Recurring Nightmare

In a two wide field I would place Extort Cooperation on the lower point character to make the fastest transfer which is a significant net die/health advantage to you. In 3-wide of the two lower characters there is usually a linchpin spot color that can be targeted to stymie their strategy.

If you can, try not to damage the extort target and place the other downgrades on the main baddie, so you will have full use when it’s transfers.

Use turn cards like Reap, Force Assistance, It Is Your Destiny, Force Telekinesis, to maximize #extort and other resource values. Power Action Bazine Netal - First Order Informant and claim the Hangar 3-5 - Tatooine battlefield speed up your Extort strategy for 3rd Round transfer or better.

If you opponent has big value damage showing that Forewarned can’t remove, use It Is Your Destiny to reduce it, or Vicious Rebuttal to make them get a taste of their own medicine, against their big baddie. Are they rolling hot on activation? Take one for the team and Strike Me Down the remaining or Headstrong

The unassuming Alazmec Colonist draws attention as they load up on the “blue only” upgrades and takes extra pot shots against you opponent using their discards as ammunition. I would resolve most of my dice as rolled to weaken my opponent, save my cards for their intended use, and let the overall deck strategy work unless a kill shot was available.

Total deck value is 36, not including the discounts expected with #concealment on #drain.

1 comment

ZilloBeast 18

This seems really fun and annoying to play against (which is why it's really fun). I've always loved the mass manipulation that Bazine Netal - First Order Informant offers.