Dr. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

LandoWonka 153

I'm not entirely sure what happened when I decided to build a deck tonight. It all started with wanting to play Unique Perspectives for free with a Jawa. Wicket - Crafty Scout gives us a character who can repeat the traps for us allowing us to release the Ewoks for the Unique Perspectives to work in full and actually heal them up. Hopefully all the saved funds thanks to the Jawas allow us to get the additional 4 Ewoks from Sound the Horn. Handily, gives us a full seven little people to make the famous fairy tale name relevant.


NerdyBoiThrawn 50

Cool concept! What droids do you suggest you put into this deck?

LandoWonka 153

@NerdyBoiThrawn A very interesting quesion. All of the following could be an option and I think the best combination will only come over time tryiny it out. So we kind of want cheap droids as we need to focus on the traps. Adding any droids into the deck could be tricky as we'd like to find those traps. I would therefore suggest adding an extra BB-8 straight away and then a mixture of the following: Mr. Bones, R2-D2, C-3PO, MSE-6 Droid and Security Droid for the following reason. Bones - direct damage that could repeat and no blanks, R2 very versatile dice for focus or money, C-3PO for the focus, MSE droid is just all round useful on attack or defence, security droid has removal and damage.

I think for my first try of this I will go for depending on starting hand, BB-8 if not got one - the sepcial draw is really good, Mr Bones, C-3PO and R2-D2 and 2 x Security Droid. (I'd swap BB-8 for a third security droid if I started with a BB-8 in hand.

If you give it a try please let me know what combinations you used and found useful.