Bala Bing - Bala Boom

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Patrick 13

Sometime I make decks just for the funny titles, like this one.

Then as I was putting it together I realized it’s not a terrible combo.

2 detects trigger Bing’s bonus, and when combined with Incendiary Stockpile, Bing now has 5 sides worth 3 damage! Bala now has 4 damage sides, or take his 2 resources. His high values really help with the roll off to get the Rebel War Room - Yavin IV because there a many good sides that cost a resource. High Stakes helps with either the expensive support to start round 1 or for the resource cost side.

21 health is an issue so Den of Thieves and Armor Plating are automatic adds. 8D8 helps pull Armor Plating back from your discard pile for another round of use.

You benefit from both Nikto Sand Ridersand Tusken Camp directly from the high value damage or Incendiery Stockpile on the disrupt/resource sides so you are always rolling some sort of damage.

What would you swap out to make this better?

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